Table 42 Podcast
Dive deep into the vibrant world of podcasting with the Table 42 (Table For Two) Podcast – a unique tapestry of narratives, dreams, and moments. Here, we showcase the budding talents from our free trial episodes, captivating stories shared by our community, and the latest events unfolding at Table 42. It's not just a podcast; it's a chronicle of passions, ideas, and voices waiting to be discovered. Join us every episode to experience the heartbeats of the Table 42 community.
Brews, Bites, & Bytes: Montage Budapest Blends with Benedek Herman
October 15, 2023 • 32 MIN
In an exciting collaboration between and Montage Budapest, join us for the inaugural episode of the Table 42 podcast! Co-hosted from the picturesque window table of Montage, with the bustling streets of Budapest serving as our live canvas, we dive into a rich and aromatic conversation with Benedek Herman, Co-founder of Montage Budapest, and Ray Brown, the mind behind As trams clatter by and the city's heartbeat syncs with our chat, we indulge in the exquisite Ethiopian coffee brewed just for us and savor authentic croissants, shipped fresh from the bakeries of France. And as our taste buds rejoice, the conversation ventures into the digital realm, touching upon our shared passion for the ever-evolving world of "Software as a Service." Pour yourself a cup, grab a croissant, and join us for this delightful blend of culture, coffee, and SaaS!
Nicky in Budapest: Echoes of Dad's Tales & Rediscovering Roots
September 28, 2023 • 8 MIN
Join us as we explore Nicky's journey back to his Hungarian roots. Raised in the US, this 18-year-old shares the nostalgia of stories passed down by his emigrant father, and his own reconnection with the land of his ancestors. While Nicky can fluently speak Hungarian, the depths of the culture offer new layers of mystery. Case in point: vibing to the beats of the famous Hungarian rapper, Beton.Hofi. While Nicky could catch the words, the cultural nuances and references in the lyrics offered a unique puzzle, highlighting the beautiful complexity of truly understanding one's heritage. But there's more – from validating his father's tales during casual taxi rides in Budapest to the deeply emotional playback session post-interview. This episode is a touching blend of music, memory, and the powerful legacy of family ties. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to for more touching tales from the heart of Hungary. 🎙️🇭🇺❤️
The Unity Stone
September 28, 2023 • 3 MIN
A story narrated in english by Ray Brown
Mentőhelikoptertől a BNI Hungary-ig: interjú Avidor Andrással || Table 42
September 25, 2023 • 30 MIN
Ismerd meg Avidor András életutját és sikersztoriját. András 15 évvel ezelőtt megálmodott egy víziót: létrehozni Magyarország legnagyobb business networking szervezetét. Az álom mára valóság lett. A 15. születésnap alkalmából beszélgetünk Andrással a kihívásokról, a mindset-ről és a networking erejéről.
Viaggio On The Road: Confronti e Aneddoti tra Amici a Budapest || Table 42
August 19, 2023 • 16 MIN
🎥 Viaggio d'Amicizia: Simone & Michele Esplorano Budapest e Oltre! 🎥 👋 Ciao a tutti e benvenuti nel mio nuovo video! In questa avventura, il mio inseparabile compagno di viaggio Michele ed io esploriamo l’incantevole Budapest, capitolo finale del nostro bellissimo viaggio. ✈ Riepilogo del Viaggio: Nel video di oggi vi portiamo con noi in un confronto vis-a-vis, uno contro uno, ripercorrendo le nostre esperienze di viaggio, dalle città che abbiamo visitato ai cibi che abbiamo provato, dalle risate ai (pochi) momenti di tensione. 🔥 Momenti Esilaranti: Preparatevi a ridere mentre discutiamo le cose che non sopportiamo l'uno dell'altro! Dal modo in cui mangiamo, alle abitudini di sonno e alle manie di Michele di rovinare i miei video. 😂 📷 Foto e Turismo: Esploriamo il nostro approccio alla fotografia in viaggio e Michele condivide il suo progetto di creare tour per i suoi genitori che non parlano inglese. 🤔 Curiosità: Scoprite il misterioso caso della 'mano ibrida' di Michele e perché io (Simone) sono così facilmente distratto durante i tour guidati. 💪 Punti Forti: Nonostante qualche imprevisto, concludiamo il nostro viaggio senza litigi e con un sacco di bei ricordi. Ci siamo innamorati soprattutto della Polonia, che ci ha completamente sorpreso in positivo. 🚗 Trasporti: Condividiamo le nostre avventure e disavventure con la nostra fedele compagna di viaggio: la macchina. 🍽 Gastronomia: Vi raccontiamo delle delizie (e non) che abbiamo assaporato lungo il cammino. 🕒 Durata: Il video è ricco e pieno di vita, quindi preparatevi a un'ora di puro divertimento e avventura! 🙌 Grazie mille per averci seguito in questo incredibile viaggio! Se vi è piaciuto il video, non dimenticate di lasciare un like, commentare le vostre parti preferite e iscrivervi al canale per non perdervi i prossimi viaggi e le prossime avventure! Buona visione! 🎉✈ ----- Nota: Questo video è disponibile solo in lingua italiana.
Voovo - Benedek Herman
August 18, 2023 • 25 MIN
Demo by Table42.
Házigazda Jambrik Beáta - Vendég Matyasi Roland
June 19, 2023 • 58 MIN
Ebben az izgalmas Table 42 Cast epizódban, műsorvezetőnk, Jambrik Beáta meghívja Önt, hogy ismerkedjen meg a "Ménesi Borbár" eleganciájával Budapest szívében. Vendégünk, a világjáró és virtuóz gitáros, Matyasi Roland, lenyűgöző történeteket oszt meg tapasztalatairól Kínából és a világ más részeiről. Roland nem csak borrajongó, feleségével közösen büszke tulajdonosa több pékségnek a városban. Kapcsolódjon be egy kellemes utazásra a bor, a kenyér, a zene és a világ minden tájáról származó történetek világába.
Unveiling the Advancements: How GPT-4 Surpasses GPT-3 in Performance and Capabilities
March 14, 2023 • 3 MIN
Explore the key advancements of GPT-4, the latest AI language model by OpenAI, as it surpasses its predecessor, GPT-3, in various aspects. This comprehensive overview delves into improved context understanding, enhanced language comprehension, advanced multi-tasking capabilities, fine-tuning and customization, scalability, robustness, reduced biases, safety measures, an expanded knowledge base, and increased efficiency in zero-shot and few-shot learning. Discover how these improvements contribute to a more powerful, versatile, and user-friendly AI language model that pushes the boundaries of natural language processing.